Book Launch:
‘A Life Immersed in Prayer: St. Vincent Pallotti’s Path to Divine Connection’
‘A Life Immersed in Prayer: St. Vincent Pallotti’s Path to Divine Connection’ Book Launched at St John of God Church and Convent, Old Goa
After having officially released the book A Life Immersed in Prayer, edited by Fr. Carlos Luis SAC on October 31, 2024, in Bangalore by Very Rev. Fr. Roque Teodorio Gonsalves SAC, Provincial Rector of the ABVM Province of the Pallottine Fathers and Brothers. It was ceremoniously launched in Goa on December 29, 2024, by Rev. Fr. Valentine Alphonso SAC, Vice-Provincial of the ABVM Province, at the historic Church and Convent of St. John of God, Old Goa.
As the Year of Prayer draws to a close, this book emerges as a spiritual treasure trove, offering profound insights into enhancing prayer life through the lens of St. Vincent Pallotti’s teachings. During the launch in Goa, Fr. Carlos Luis reflected on the inspiration behind the book and its distinctive focus on ‘Prayer’ as a cornerstone of Christian living, modelled after St. Vincent’s life and spirituality. Fr. Beniz Gomes, a contributing author, elaborated on his article, Imago Dei: St. Vincent’s Perspective on Prayer as a Personal Relationship with God, weaving it with his personal journey of faith. Sr. Inacinha Fernandes SAC shared a heartfelt testimonial on how St. Vincent’s life deeply inspired her, leading her to pen her contribution on The Eucharistic Prayer of St. Vincent Pallotti.
The event was gracefully emceed by Mrs Shimona Ida Godinho, creating an atmosphere of reflection and celebration. A Life Immersed in Prayer stands as a meaningful resource, guiding readers to deepen their spiritual connection with God through the example of St. Vincent Pallotti, making it a fitting culmination of the Year of Prayer.
Canonical Visitation
A canonical visitation is usually carried out by the bishop or the superior of the order. The aim of this visitation is to promote spiritual vitality, to strengthen relationships by building a community, to ensure life in ecclesiastical discipline and to confirm fidelity to the charism of the founder. The canonical visit before the beginning of the provincial assembly will help the administration to form a better picture of the province. However, one could consider the following points during the canonical visit.
Promote spirituality, Strengthen community and Relevance of the charism today . Promoting Spirituality: The life of is the centre of the priest’s life. ‘Walking in the footsteps of our patron, we seek to find harmony in union with God in prayer and apostolic life” (SAC 42). The life of prayer is necessary to channel our energy in the right direction and to be a source of hope in the Lord for the people we serve. This is why Pallotti says: “Direct your first thoughts in the morning to God with short and fervent prayer. Before you go to sleep, do not forget this one thing – examine your conscience.” (John, 1 January 1980) The administration wants to say that it is also united with the members in prayer. A priest without prayer, who carries out all activities, is like a member working in an NGO; prayer life makes a difference.
Strengthen Community: A community is made up of members with different temperaments. By embracing the uniqueness of each member, we endeavour to grow together and bring out the best in ourselves. (CCC 1906) Canonical visitation contributes to a more cohesive relationship by staying united even in differences and strengthening unity with responsibility. The administration also deals with the formulation of disciplinary measures when necessary for the common good. Relevance of the Charism Today: The visitation helps to refocus each member on the charism that the founder sought in the present time as defined by the province. The administration makes the members realise that no personal ministry is more important than that of the province. Thus, emphasising on ‘the tenants of Pallottine charism, which includes revive faith, renew love, and unite all in Christ’ (SAC Preamble 6). To achieve this objective the Provincial reviews the ministry, activities undertaken, accounts, minutes, etc., while considering the conduct of the members and aids in being relevant in the now. Conclusion: ‘To promote joy and not burden in the work that we do, it is necessary to submit ourselves in confidence to the authority.’ (Heb. 13: 17) The formal visitation re-enhances the member’s confidence in the superior, continuously elevates oneself and reenforces operational and ethical standards. Thus, leading to an improved leadership with optimum co-operation and safe keeping.
Annual Retreat held at Pallotti Home 14-18 October 2024
The Pallotti Home Community hosted the annual Pallottine retreat from 14th – 18th of October 2024. The Pallottine Fathers from all five entities in India actively participated in the retreat. Fr. Joseph Abraham, a redemptorist priest, was the retreat preacher.
The annual retreat is an integral part of every Pallottine Conferrer. SAC Law 252: emphasises the importance of days of renewal, retreats in the life of every Pallottine Conferrer: ‘All members take part in the annual retreat, which should last at least four full days’.
There are five Pallottine entities in India, namely the ABVM Province, the OLGH Province, the Prabhu Prakash Province, the Gloria Dei Region and the Khrist Jyoti Province. The superiors of each entity have agreed that the annual retreats should be organised as usual by each entity on different fixed days of the year. The conferrers from each province or region are welcome to have a fruitful retreat at a place of their choice. The purpose of the retreat is to pause for a while and reflect on our lives in order to better rejuvenate our social, spiritual and personal lives. It is a fact that we are never complete on our own, because we are social beings. We stay in communities not merely for company or sustenance alone but to add meaning to our lives as a whole. This retreat focused primarily on this aspect, exploring the theme ‘My soul clings to God and His right hand holds forever’. The four-day spiritual journey helped each participant to delve into themselves, overcome the stumbling blocks and be healed from the inside out.
To summarise, the retreat was a great success. Every participant in the retreat had a real God experience. This inner healing journey that every conferrer embarked on will certainly have its roots for many years to come.
Blessing of the Adoration Chapel at St. Vincent Pallotti Church Banaswadi on 31-08-2024
St. Vincent Pallotti Church in Banaswadi, Bangalore, inaugurated its perpetual adoration chapel on August 31, 2024. People of various backgrounds flock to pray at this chapel.
The Provincial Rector of ABVM Province, Rev. Fr. Dr. Roque Gonsalves SAC, inaugurated the perpetual adoration chapel; subsequently, the Archbishop of Bangalore, his eminence Bishop Peter Machado, blessed it.
Rev. Fr. Joseph Fernandes, SAC, the Parish Priest, addressed the gathering, saying to spend fruitful time in the presence of the Lord and not to be swayed by the tech-savvy generation. Fr. Saver Lopes, SAC, stated, “The chapel is amazing; the cross depicts the crucified Lord from whose heart the compassionate love of Divine Mercy flows”. The parish clergy also reported the positive impact of the new chapel on the parishioners.
The parish clergy has announced revitalising the spiritual experience of the parishioners. Timely adoration and devotion to the Eucharistic Lord are happening under the able leadership of Rev. Fr. Joseph Fernandes SAC, the Parish Priest.